Patience and Tolerance – Most needed Virtues today



personal effectiveness, self improvement, growth                      values, personal effectiveness, improvement


Tolerant : ability to  tolerate  the belief, action, behavior, opinion of others.

Patience: the capacity to accept tolerate delays, problems or sufferings without being annoyed or anxious and without complaint  or being irritated.

This  is one quality or virtue which one definitely needs to inculcate in today’s world .

The world of today is of instant gratification and everything happening  at a fast pace and everybody wants everything in an instant without having to wait too long for anything . The result of which is people are being more and more intolerant and patience is found only in dictionaries, which is a sad state of affairs.

You can observe this almost everywhere in todays world – professionally bosses are intolerant of their  subordinates ,  always desiring for more, as a result having performances  not up to the mark, similarly employees wanting more and not tolerant towards to their superiors or employers and often neglecting their duties .

Parents are intolerant towards their children and vice versa. Out in the streets at an intersection without a signal, you often see vehicles pushing forward to get ahead of each other rarely would you see someone waiting and allowing another vehicle to pass.

Benefits of Tolerance / Patience

  • Makes you Stress free -when you practice this you are in control of your emotions and you accept the situation and see the greater picture making you happier.
  • More fulfilling relationship with people – when you are tolerant and develop your patience muscles,  you have a deeper understanding of people  with whom you are associated with hence making the relationship  better.
  • You evolve to being a better person and thereby grow in life.


How to develop the habit of  Patience  and Tolerance

  • Select a day in your life and decide that whatever happens on that day you will develop patience for the events that have happened, make an effort to take your time and think about everything you do on that day. At the end of the day sit down and analyze how your day went . You will see that you would have understood issues better, made smarter choices, and got along well with others. – repeat this frequently and soon you would be doing this every day and you would see your capacity of tolerance and patience improving.















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